When you are a nurse working in an office or facility, remote nursing may sound all handy – dandy and convenient. However, recent statistics have proven that 30% more remote nurses would be challenged with nurse burnout or stress, than those working in the facilities. In most instances, the frustration is caused by the nine most common mistakes healthcare professionals tend to make.
Mistake #1: If I work from home, I may as well stay in my nightwear for the for the first half of the day.
Explanation: This is detrimental for your wellbeing. When you wake up in the morning and stay in your PJs, your day will automatically be winding to the drowsy side. It keeps you from feeling energized. The day and night will feel like one long stretch. Even more so, professional clothing has proven to impact performance. Being properly dressed gives your brain clarity and formality. You just feel much better.
Mistake #2: I can work from any place in my home, from any table in any room, on a bed or sofa, wherever it is convenient for me at that the moment.
Explanation: When you set yourself up a small office, a desk, and a chair, with a steady place where you work, you tend to get into less technical issues and it helps you stay focused. It creates more of a serious working atmosphere that leads to more productivity.
Mistake #3: You work from a regular chair.
Explanation: A comfortable swivel chair is one of the integral parts of office work. Make sure you get yourself one although you are working from home to spare your back
Mistake #4: My baby and/or pet is usually well-behaved. They will probably be ok with me at home.
Explanation: Even the most well-behaved baby or pet will feel when you are distracted and do not have the availability to tend to them. Per Murphy’s law, they will definitely act out when you are on a highly important tele-conference or in other odd times.
Mistake #5: Forgetting that companionship is air for a human being.
Explanation: When you meet people at work, you do not even realize how meaningful every “Good Morning” greet and happy face is. The small talks throughout the days or at lunch propel your spirit. When you are in a work from home environment, you can start feeling bouts of loneliness throughout the day. Making the extra effort to stay in touch with family and friends is vital for your emotional wellbeing.
Mistake #6: Keeping a predictable routine.
Explanation: Calculated routines are wonderful for many, but as a remote professional the predictability can reach new proportions. Wake up in home. Work-home. Eat-home. Inserting some spontaneity and extracurricular activities will keep your days from becoming very monotonous and boring.
Mistake #7: Thinking that TV in the background is a good thing.
Explanation: Know the feeling of getting distracted by something you cannot even enjoy because you concentrate on not getting distracted?
Mistake #8: Setting no boundaries to work hours.
Explanation: It is easy to find yourself constantly working and logging in throughout the day (and night). But you are not only a nurse, allied health professional or recruiter. You are a person.
Self-discipline is a hard call, yet consistent and designated work hours will ensure that work and homelife do not conflict.
Mistake #9: Muting yourself at the wrong timing.
Explanation: A virtual Era, you may frequently need to meet on facetime or zoom. Sometimes when (while making mistake number 3) your dog is barking in the background, a phone is ringing in your home or other non-office sounds are going on, you may consider muting yourself at the sound of those. Sometimes, you end up forgetting to unmute and that ends up getting weird and awkward.
Feel confident with your next remote assignment knowing how to be most productive and enjoy its benefits. Apply today to join our remote recruitment teams or allied health positions.