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6 Tips for a Successful Nursing Interview

After you have fine-tuned your resume and set-up your interview, you need to prepare for your upcoming interview. Travel nursing jobs require interviews more significantly than other traditional nursing jobs due to their third-person nature. You are going to be the representative from the company that provides the service to the facility. As a result, you need to follow six tips for having a successful interview.


Nursing professionals routinely find themselves in situations where a person may be incapable of performing his or her own hygiene, and you should reflect your attention to proper hygiene. Ensure you are thoroughly groomed, and always wash your hands before your interview. You never know when a nursing professional may ask to see your hands with a black-light.


Everyone knows that a nursing professional would wear scrubs to work; however, the casual nature of scrubs makes them a horrible choice for an interview. Wear business attire to your interview, but be wary of looking like you have never stepped foot inside a medical facility. Select a flat shoe in all cases.

Use Formal Speech

Over time, you grow used to the colloquialisms used around you, but interviews should never use slang or other “street” talk. Speak in a professional, concise manner. Only say what you need to continue the dialog and answer questions. Avoid the temptation to trail off on tangents with each question of the person conducting the interview.

Explain Your History of Experience

Do not recount your experience in your resume word-for-word. Instead, try to focus on explaining your work experience that would be applicable to the projected job. If you are unsure about your placement, try to focus on at least five critical areas of nursing that you have excelled in. This will show the prospective employer the assignments you will most likely be interested in.

What Makes You the Right Candidate

As the interview progresses, you will likely be asked, “what are your assets?” At this point, you will need to explain how key aspects of your work history, personality, and passion for providing nursing care make you the best candidate for the position. Emphasize skills outside of nursing, such as time-management, dedication to family life, or other activities, as well.

Bring Personal Identifying Information With You

Some employers may choose to hire you immediately following the interview. Bring your picture ID, social security card, birth certificate, nursing license, CPR / BLS card, ACLS card, or any other information that you would normally provide to your employer with you to the interview.

These six tips will help you have a successful interview. By paying attention to your personal appearance, assets, and preparation, you will ensure that you move into the hiring process. Keep in mind one last piece of advice: never wear total white to an interview.


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