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Staying Healthy While Treating COVID-19

Our White Glove Nurses and respiratory therapists are our frontliners dealing with all the stress of COVID-19 and we are so thankful to them for all they are doing to help save lives in our community. With that being said, we want to make sure they are finding ways to stay healthy so here are some tips to help get you by.

Wash Your Hands!

As repetitive as you may have heard it, washing your hands often is your first step in staying healthy. Make sure to always wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after treating each patient, being out in the public, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

If you are not able to wash with soap and water, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol as per recommended by the CDC. As always, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth especially when you have not washed your hands.

Wash Hands


Take care of your Immune System

Make sure you are taking care of your immune system by eating well balanced meals, taking multivitamins, and avoid consuming too much sugar. Include more citrus fruits into your diet that are packed with Vitamin C.
Consider swapping your cup of coffee with a cup of green tea instead, which are filled with antioxidants that contain immune-boosting effects. Also include more foods with Vitamin D such as fatty fish like tuna, mackerel, and salmon.

Eat Healthy

Clean and Disinfect Often!

Make sure you are cleaning your most frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes your tables, doorknobs, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, and light switches.

Consider changing out of your work clothes before entering your home and washing them separately from the rest of your laundry especially if you are living with your family. Leave your shoes on the doorstep or in one area in the front of the home to avoid spreading the germs to other areas.


Manage your Stress Levels

We understand this is easier said than done but it is important to note that managing your stress levels is very much needed to help keep you healthy. This includes getting plenty of rest on your days off, while also making time for exercise to help keep your body strong. Go for a nice walk or run (while maintaining social distancing) or even try some home workout videos.

Avoid watching the news and instead try out meditation and yoga to help calm your mind. Utilize the many apps offering free meditation services for healthcare workers.

manage stress

Stay in touch with Family and Friends

During times like this, it is good to have a strong support system. Keep in touch with your family and friends. Although we cannot visit our loved ones right now, we have better technology that allows us to virtually see them. Why not host a virtual dance off with them? Either way, lean on them for support because they care about you more than you know.

stay connected

Do things that make YOU happy!

Even though work can be draining, it is important for you to switch off work mode on your days off. Take a break from social media and just have some much deserved ME time. Cook your favorite meals, enjoy your favorite movie or shows, read a book, or work on your favorite hobby. Whatever it is that brings you happiness, make sure to let yourself have that joy.

Happy Nurse

We cannot say thank you enough for all your hard work and dedication to your job. You really are our real-life superheroes saving our city one patient at a time. We want you to be healthy, stay safe, and stay positive. Always remember to breathe and that we are here for you. We are in this together!

thank you nurse









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