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Transitioning from a Nursing Graduate to a Working Nurse

Your hard work has finally paid off and the nursing career you dreamed of is now a reality.  In spite of all the challenges, personal sacrifice, intense studying and more, you succeeded.  Along the way many gave up, but with determination and perseverance you made it to the finish line.  Congratulations!  Mission accomplished.

Obtaining your first nursing job is exciting and challenging at the same time. Every new nurse goes through this “rite of passage” and you’re no exception.  As you officially launch your nursing career, you will transition from being a student assigned one patient, to a staff nurse responsible for many.  Ask questions, take notes, be professional, gracious and humble, as you seek guidance and mentoring from senior staff.  More will be expected of you and less support will be given.  When this occurs don’t be discouraged.  In the words of Oprah Winfrey “Every experience, encounter and particularly your mistakes are there to teach you and force you into being more of who you are.”   Remind yourself that these are growth opportunities, take it all in stride and rise to the occasion.

There is a sharp contrast between the text book version of nursing and reality in the clinical setting.  Be prepared to make adjustments. Building confidence and experience will take time and practice. You will make mistakes; organizational culture and unit politics exist; some days may be too busy for lunch or breaks; you will encounter overwhelming situations.  Never lose sight of what you want for yourself as a nurse, because there will be days of disillusionment.  You are your greatest asset, so take time to nurture/care for yourself and find ways to de-stress.   Make a long term plan for your career and stay focused on what you want to accomplish.

Once you’ve honed the fundamentals and your skills are solid you can diversify into different aspects of the profession.  Some may require additional education, certification and/or specialization. Think long term, make wise choices and do whatever is required to advance your career. You’ve chosen an excellent profession and the skills you possess are in demand.

At White Glove Placement we are here to prove it for you in every aspect of nursing profession and ready with a job offer for you! Get your license and you are all ready.

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